From Colombia
Based between Sweden and Colombia
We had the pleasure to talk with the incredible Sebastian Villabona, who shared with us his art journey and gave some perspectives on how to talk about art and what to read to understand it

A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. What brought you into art?
S: My name is Sebastian Villabona. I’m from Bogotá, Colombia. I studied graphic design in Argentina and did a master's in Sweden. Now I’m living in between both countries.
Since I was a child I liked to draw and remember that I always liked the color. I started to paint graffiti when I was around 16 years and that brought me to know more people that had the same interests in illustration, art, and design. Since then I saw the painting and drawing as part of my life without thinking that I could live or not from this. I knew that paintings, cans, pencils, always were going to be part of my environment. Then the studies opened my range and let me confirm that I wanted to look for ways to live from this. I started to take everything more seriously and introspective since I rented my first studio in Sweden, from there I begin to do collages, paint canvas and be in the studio for hours. And that’s what I’m still doing.
A: What inspires you the most?
S: People, everyday life, architecture, what surrounds me inspires me a lot. Films, nature, friends, skateboarding.
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working(creating)?
S: I try to disconnect myself from things and be focused on the work. Music and podcast are always good company while working in the studio.
A: What would you recommend to someone who's new to art (rather artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?
S: To enjoy the process and explore what they like. Art is a very wide range full of possibilities. Also, try to take the moments of frustration as possibilities and start again from there.
A: Your Top - 3 favorite adjectives related to art?
S: Liberating, poetic, fun

A: The best angle to look at art is from ...?
S: I think from the feeling of it, when you could understand by your own subjectivity the subject and what it makes sense to you, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. But I think that we humans have an appreciation for art and we need more spaces for the same self-enjoyment.
A: The Perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is: ...?
S: Hmmm, a good wine?
A: Must-read books to talk about art (or do we even need them)?
S: Yes, books, magazines, articles about art, art history, biographies, are good resources to know and try to understand this world.
A: If you could change one thing in the art world - what would it be?
S: To make it more accessible to people.
A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)
S: "There is one thing one has to have: either a soul that is cheerful by nature, or a soul made cheerful by work, love, art, and knowledge." Friedrich Nietzsche
Thank you!
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