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AS IS | Daniela Mikulášková


From Bruntál, Czechia

Based in Brno and Olešnice in Orlické Mountains, Czechia

Daniela's craft is a lot like painting - except she "paints" with a needle and a thread, creating colorful abstract canvases whose strokes carry the energy and emotions of the artist, inspired by people, experience, and the landscape

A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. How did you find your path to art?

D: My own work (once I had finished all my studies) started in a time in my life when I found myself at home for several years, on maternity leave with my children and I couldn’t paint using oil paints, I didn’t have a studio. I felt an immense urge to create again and I reached, entirely intuitively, for a needle and thread. Thus began the process which has intrigued me so much; spending my time with threads and stranded cotton as I have been doing to this day. The result is something like painting with a thread.

A: What inspires you the most?

D: My greatest source of inspiration right now is ART BRUT, but my life-long theme of interest is and always will be the landscape.

A: Do you have any specific rituals while working (creating)?

D: Yes, my ritual is listening to the spoken word, lectures on various topics, or watching TV shows - the more episodes they have, the better…

A: What would you recommend to someone new to art (an artist or just anadmirer), what to begin with?

D: My advice is first and foremost to not dwell on the work itself too much, simply do and continue to do, as long as it brings you fulfilment… And listen to your gut, not reason.

A: Your top 3 phrases/words related to art?

D: Freedom, space, content.

A: Do you have favorite Czech artists?

D: I like many Czech artists: the Kovals, a husband and wife duo, Jiří Krtička, Petr Veselý, Alena Kučerová, Marie Blabolilová, Václav Stratil, Vladimír Merta, Marian Palla, Anna Zemánková, Martin Mainer, Otto Placht, and many many more… They all influenced me in a different way, in different stages of my life, by their own way of life and creating.

A: What work of art do you think embodies the Czech national spirit and culture?Why?

D: For me personally it’s Bohumil Hrabal and his body of work. It has everything and can’t be defined precisely.

A: How do you like to start conversations about art? How can we connect withothers through art?

D: I prefer to not start conversation about art at all. If someone asks, I answer, but I never know how in advance.

A: Where can we meet you most often?

D: I’m not sure if it’s the best way but for me, the most natural way to meet is at an exhibition.

I’m at home, often working in the kitchen, sometimes in front of the TV. Or take walks in the woods. I don’t usually plan or think it through much.

A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art):

D: “A pathless path.”

Thank you!

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